Here, the pericardial cavity has been opened to reveal a fibrinous pericarditis with strands of stringy pale fibrin between visceral and parietal pericardium. 图示纤维素性心包炎,在心包脏层和壁层之间可见白色绒毛状的纤维素。
She forced her hands inside the pericardial cavity to get to the heart. 她把手伸到包心腔去弄心脏。
Percutaneous Catheter into Pericardial Cavity to Therapy Malignant Pericardial Effussion 经皮心包腔置管治疗恶性心包积液
Treated with pericardiocentesis and injecting antineoplastics into pericardial cavity, 8 patients with pericardial tamponade relieved and survived for the average time of 234 days. 经心包穿刺抽液、心包腔内注入抗癌药物治疗心包压塞8例,平均生存了234d。
Methods Twenty-one male rabbits were divided into two groups randomly. Experimental group: 11 rabbits were injected 40% urea ( 2ml/ kg) into pericardial cavity, control group: 10 rabbits were injected 0.9% natrium chloride into the pericardial cavity. 方法21只雄性家兔随机分为两组,实验组:11只,心包腔内注入40%尿素,2ml/kg;对照组:10只,心包腔内注入等量生理盐水。
These structural features indicate that atrial secretory granules or ANP could seem to directly enter the pericardial cavity through the epicardium, then be absorbed and transported by the lymphatic vessel of the pericardium. 这些结构特征提示,心房颗粒或心房肽可能通过心外膜直接进入心包腔,再由心包膜的淋巴管吸收、转运而发挥作用。
The aortic ends of the arterial ligaments attach the aortic archs ( 80%) or the descending aortas ( 20%). The end connecting the pulmonary artery attachs the left pulmonary artery, 6 ends connecting pulmonary artery are in the pericardial cavity. 动脉韧带的主动脉端附着于主动脉弓(80%)或降主动脉(20%),肺动脉端附着于左肺动脉,6例肺动脉端位于心包内。
These results suggested that UK should be effective in preventing the formation of peri-cardial adhesion by increasing locally fibrinolytic activity in the pericardial cavity. 以上结果提示,UK可通过增强心包腔内局部的纤溶活性而防止心包粘连的形成。
Hemostasia time, the pericardial cavity drainage volume in cryopreserved homograft pericardium patch group were less than those in Gore-tex patch group ( P < 0.01). 人同种心包补片组住ICU时间、呼吸机使用时间和心包腔引流量均少于Gore-tex补片组(P<0.01)。
Cardiac lipoma were found in pericardial cavity ( 4 cases), ventricular cavity ( 3 cases) and on the surface of interatrial septum ( 1 case) and the atrial surface of mitral valve ( 1case). 肿瘤分别位于心脏表面4例、心室腔面3例、房间隔1例和二尖瓣1例。
ⅰ sham-operated group only open thoracic cavity and pericardial cavity, ⅱ group and ⅲ group 'animal were MI model. The model was created by liquid nitrogen directly freeze myocardium. Ⅰ组只打开胸腔及心包不造成心肌梗死,Ⅱ、Ⅲ两组用液氮冷冻心尖部建立心肌梗死动物模型。
Clinical analysis of the pericardial effusion drainage by puncturing pericardium of cardiac apex detaining central venous catheter into pericardial cavity 心尖区穿刺留置中心静脉导管引流心包积液的临床分析
Type 2, the larval membrane expands and the pericardial cavity enlarges. This type only appears under lower salinity condition and the lower the salinity is, the higher the appearing rate is, commonly with Type 1 together. 第2类畸形表现为仔鱼膜膨大、围心腔扩大,这类畸形只出现于低盐度条件下,盐度越低,畸形率越高,且往往与第1类畸形症状并发。
Purpose: To study the effectiveness of inserting central venous catheter was inserted into pericardial cavity for the drainage and treatment of lung cancer hydropericardium. 目的:研究中心静脉导管持续心包引流并注入顺铂、白细胞介素Ⅱ等对治疗恶性心包积液的疗效。
Radioimmunoassay showed that the pericardial fluid in the pericardial cavity contains atrial natriuretic peptide, and which is to show physiological or pathological changes in the content of circumstances. 放射免疫分析表明,心包腔的心包液中含有心房肽,并且呈现生理或病理情况下的含量变化。